Thursday, October 28, 2010

This is a lesson in value.

My sister and I decided to have a yard sale this weekend so I've been going through closets most of the evening. After I watched The Vampire Diaries, of course. ;) It's really amazing what you can put in a closet and forget about! I found two laptop bags in perfect condition that I don't remember ever using. There were shoes I bought when I was first told I had to get rid of my heels because of the pinched nerve in my foot and went on a flats shopping spree. In other words, I'll be selling some good stuff this weekend if you're interested! Lol!

Anyhow. The biggest part of my purge is related to my old twin bed. It is solid wood and I remember the year my mom bought the matching beds for me and my sister. I remember the excitement of shopping for them - at the MALL! We rarely shopped at the mall when I was growing up because money was always tight. So going shopping for the beds there was a big deal. And I also remember how my mom worked so hard to come up with the money to get us GOOD beds. That was a big deal and I could tell she was proud of that. She confirmed tonight when I was texting her that she was happy to be able to buy them for us.

My bed has gone with me through our limited moves. When we got married and moved down the street I took it. When we moved back into mom's a year later it went back. Lol. And when we bought our house and moved to Milton it went into "the nursery" where it has been since. Kelly still has hers and it is now Landon's. Now that Tyler has turned two he needs a big boy bed... So after much wrestling with myself over it I told Kelly she could have it for him.

I'm sad to part with the bed even though I know it's going to a great little person and will likely belong to one of the boys their entire childhood. That's okay with me. And is kinda cool that the beds will be back together.

But then as I was going through the linen closet I came across the quilt mom bought me for Christmas one year. It's not too fancy and I'm not really ~in love~ with the design or colors anymore. But once again I remember the excitement of shopping for it. I remember that it was a sacrifice for my mom to spend that much money on a quilt. But it was what I wanted for Christmas that year and she made sure we found one that I liked. Because of that I simply can't put a value on that quilt. It's a twin size and I won't have a bed for it anymore... But it's not going anywhere! I tossed shoes I never wore and blankets I bought and then changed my mind about into the yard sale boxes without giving them a second thought. Things I paid decent money for (one pair of shoes still has the $25 price tag on them but they hurt my feet) and am willing to part with for very little. No big deal. Take my hard earned money. But when it comes to the things my mom sacrificed to be able to get me... I'll never be able to place a value on them - even if they aren't even something that anyone else would want!

Sent from my iPhone


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