Thursday, June 3, 2010

People can be so rude.

I wonder if that old saying "if you can't say something nice don't say anything at all" applies to blogs?  Because right now I'd really like to go off on a tirade about the rudeness I encountered at work today.  Not your typical upset defendant or anything like that, but a person who works here in the courthouse.  And not the person who has a history of being rude with me, either.  No, those things I have come to expect.  But this one took me totally by surprise. 

It seems like a blog would be a perfectly natural place to go and vent about things like that.  But I read Dooce.  I know the dangers of blogging about your work place if you intend to remain employed.  And I also don't want people to think of me as being negative and whining about things.  I'll reserve that special privilege for my husband, mom, and closest friends who will love me anyway.  ;) 

So... coming to the realization that I can't whine and complain about things on my blog...  this might be a very boring blog!  Heh.  Sorry about that if that does turn out to be the case.  But I guess it just means I need to take more notice of the POSITIVE interactions I have in my life.  I love making sure people know when I appreciate their efforts.  When we bought our refrigerator and dishwasher back during the Energy Star rebate program, I wrote a letter to Lowe's to tell them how excellent our sales person was.  And when my dentist took the time to find a different type of floss for me and give me samples (because desipte having four regular teeth and eight wisdom teeth removed my head is still overcrowded...) I told her how much I appreciated her actually trying to find the right fit for me.  Most people are content to make a slight effort at something and then go on about their business, comforting themselves with the thought, "oh, well, I tried."  But that often isn't sufficient.  So make a point of thanking people when they go out of their way for you.  Make a point of writing letters when you receive excellent customer service.  Because I can guarantee you the managers hear plenty about the bad and not enough about the good!


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