Sunday, May 23, 2010

This is my new blog!

It's so funny that I'm designing a personal blog because I resisted starting a photography blog for so long!  I really didn't think I'd have much of anything to say and I worried that it would lay dormant on the interwebs with no interesting content.  And now I think of things all the time that I'd like to blog about but that just don't seem to really belong on the photography blog.  Like the fact that one of my cats spent Thursday afternoon and all of Friday at the vet's office.  I found myself writing about it in the description of a picture of him on flickr...  which also doesn't seem entirely appropriate.

So this blog is going to be about my life.  A big part of my life is photography, so I'm sure that will come up from time to time...  but I don't feel the pressure to make everything so perfect here.  Like I'm trying to sell myself to a potential client.  Because that's actually sort of exhausting!  Here I'll be able to just be me.  And if that means I want to share a picture of my really creepy eye since I have pink eye right now, I'll do just that!

allergic conjunctivitis

It hurts, guys!  But I also think that's a really awesome picture.  I mean...  look at those blood vessels!  I actually took that with my three-cameras-ago Canon S5IS on super macro mode.  My eyes water every time I look at it but I sort of can't stop looking at it.  What kind of sense does that make?!  I do wish I had a real macro lens for my dSLR, though.  (Santa, are you listening?)

I can also share the sweet picture my sister sent me this morning of my nephew with his splint... because he broke his arm yesterday!!  My poor little buddy BROKE. HIS. ARM.

He's in a splint for now and they will follow up with Nemours tomorrow.  :'(  I don't think it's slowing him down too much, though.  He's still a one-year-old with the energy of a one-year-old, after all!


Oh no! Poor baby! And that is a great pic of your eye. Did you get the drops for it? Mine always clears up fast once I start the drops.

i got the drops on friday evening but my eyes are still red and still bothering me. they've cleared up much faster in the past...

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