Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Do you have a Kindle?

One thing I want to continue to blog about here is my reading. I’m worried I will forget my opinions about books once some time has passed and I don’t want that to happen.

I got a Kindle for Christmas, which I absolutely L. O. V. E. It’s loaded down with books already and I have no idea how I will ever find the time to read all of them. I’m reading so much more than I used to, but it still just doesn’t feel like enough. I often wish I had more time to read.

As an example of how much I love my Kindle, I bought David one for Valentine’s Day. It was definitely more expensive than I should have spent on a V-Day gift, but I had to do it. He had been eyeing mine, asking questions about what it’s able to do, and asking questions about the other e-reader options available. He had been reading on his iPhone, and I knew from my personal experience how bad that can be for your eyes. My eyes used to hurt when I read for a long period of time on my iPhone. My eyesight is really REALLY bad and I don’t want him to join me in that regard so I thought it best he have the proper e-reading display. I also knew he was on the fence about it and would not have chosen to buy a Kindle over the other gadgets that he wants. So I pushed him off the fence on the getting a Kindle side. Ha!

Back to what I’ve been reading. I’m sort of jumping around books lately because there is so much I want to read. I bought a book that was on sale for I think a little over a dollar in the Kindle store and sounded interesting. It was random trivia and I usually like that sort of thing. But this one wasn’t even worth the sale price. It was called Any Body's Guess!: Quirky Quizzes About What Makes You Tick. Let me just say there were no quizzes and the trivia was plain old boring. I did finish reading the book (I’ve told you I’m OCD) but it was hard to do so! I give this one a big fat YUCKY!

I’ve also been working on the Morganville Vampires series and have finished book four. I honestly am not sure how I feel about this series yet. It’s not bad enough that I want to stop reading it, but it’s also not really a compelling read, either. I could take it or leave it. I have a friend who said book five was where she began to dislike the series and since I’m already on the fence about it I have to say I’m not anticipating I’ll stick with this one for much longer. The series is about a 16-year-old genius who moves to a town designed and constructed for vampires. The laws there are not your normal laws (there’s a curfew and anyone out after curfew is fair game to become a late night snack; all residents must donate blood monthly) and I have to admit I find the characters a bit hard to buy at times. The 16-year-old genius in college early and away from home bit is just unnecessary. Why couldn’t they have made her a normal college student? I think the story would have been just as compelling without the silly naivete. I also find it difficult to believe her relationship with the 18-year-old boyfriend. Perhaps I just have low expectations of an 18-year-old boy living in a house with no parents and his younger girlfriend. Especially when said 18-year-old boy is described as a tough guy. I just roll my eyes a lot is all.

Currently I am trying to read The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo. I’m finding it difficult. I made it 11% of the way through the book while we were on vacation and immediately after, but I decided this week to go back and start over, taking notes on the characters so I could keep them apart. (I’m not so good with names and this book jumps around.) I’ve been told that this one is hard to get into so I’m reserving judgment until that moment that it finally clicks and I’m sucked in. I’m told this will happen. I wish it would happen soon.

And because I feel this  blog is lacking in the picture department, here's my reading buddy, Ricki.  When I was in school she was my study buddy. 



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