I often feel like I’m neglecting this blog. I created it so that I would have somewhere to express myself when it’s not really related to my photography business and I don’t think my clients would want to hear about it. But what I’ve found is that the things I want to talk about aren’t really things I should be talking about in a public forum. I can’t vent about work here. Nor can I vent about clients! Every once in a while I have a session that really makes me wonder about people, but it would be inappropriate to voice my puzzlement publicly. It also wouldn’t be appropriate to tell you here about the things I hear in court that I find interesting because there is a fine line when it comes to talking about my job and being an employee of the State and all. (Did you know our lovely governor is trying to reduce my salary by 5%? That’s a post I probably can make and probably will.) I suppose I could tell you about my medical experience of having an IUD inserted in early January, but I doubt you really want to know about that lovely piece of biology and I don’t necessarily want the worldwide web thinking about that particular area of my anatomy, either. My experience with it has been less than pleasant so far, but I’ll just leave it at that.
So what am I going to use this blog for? There’s the random contest entry that I get points for blogging about but don’t feel is appropriate for my photography blog unless it’s for a photography-related item. I put those posts here. And I do it very rarely! I won’t blog about an item unless it’s something I believe in. So yeah, I totally believe in shopping at Publix and I totally pimped out my blog for a chance to win a $25 Publix gift card. That is something I can definitely use and you probably could, too, if you won it. It’s free groceries. Heck yeah! But I’m not going to leave this blog idle save for the random venting post (when I can get away with it) and contest entries. I’ve decided to make a concerted effort to post more here.
But I need ideas. I need prompts. And honestly I think prompting myself with ideas that aren’t at the top of my brain is going to be good for me. It will (hopefully) get me out of my rut and cause me to think about things I haven’t considered. Or things I’ve considered but I haven’t really talked about. So we’ll see how this goes. I’ve found some prompts over at http://chrisbrogan.com that I’m going to use for now. Hopefully you won’t find my writings too random or too offensive or too boring. We’ll see how this goes! And if you have any comments or suggestions please PLEASE jump in by leaving me a comment.
Oh, and do you want to know an interesting fact? You may not find it all that interesting but I pay very close attention to it. All of the blog titles on this blog are complete sentences. I make a concentrated effort to make sure that happens. Don’t ask me why... It’s just something I decided to do. I like consistency. I’m OCD like that.
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