I would have put the whole title in Spanish but I don't know how to say "from" and I don't know how to put those accents into Mexico on my phone. Which about sums up how well I'm doing down here as far as language is concerned. I know just enough Spanish to be dangerous. ;)
This morning we got up at the painful hour of 3:30am and caught a flight to atlanta, then on to cancun. (I'm typing this with my phone so I give up on proper capitalization of english words now, too!) I've never been to Mexico before, so I have been really excited! David's parents have their own condo down here, and it's amazing. I could so live here. It's in a safe area and really beautiful. I'm not going to say everything down here is beautiful... There are some areas that look less than inviting. But we are staying out if those areas.
I've already been scammed out of money - before we even left the airport, no less - so I hope that's over and done with for the trip. And I just have to believe that karma will get that waitress for the GINORMOUS tip she gave herself.
Speaking if GINORMOUS, there was a GINORMOUS spider in our bathroom. We're talking the size of a saucer! Okay, not really... But it was bigger than I'm comfortable with. Haha!
I've seen dolphins, manatees, sting rays, lots of birds, and a stray cat. Oh, and I got to pet a neighbor's dog, too! His name was Frodo. :) But back to the stray cat. If you're reading this, you probably know me, because I don't know why anyone who doesn't know me would care about my ramblings. So this next part should come as no surprise. I tried to pet the stray cat. Duh! It was hanging out at the restaurant we were eating at. I went over and called it to me... And then discovered it had a huge sore on it's neck. :( So I backed off. David says I don't learn, but I did at least have the sense to retreat when I saw the sore. (And besides, it was in a restaurant! I figured it couldn't be mean or it would be bad for business and they would chase it off.) I really wished I could give it some meds... and if we had been home I probably would have figured out a way to get it to the vet. But the poor kitty at Gringo Dave's will just have to keep mooching off of people's fish (he turned his nose up at the French fry I offered!) and hopefully get well soon.
I can't really think of much else to write about today... Other than they use a lot of cement down here. And that means our room sort of echoes. And David is snoring like CRAZY! *sigh* Good thing I remembered to pack my ear plugs!
Hasta mañana!
Sent from my iPhone
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